42:45.48N 9:03.86W Thursday 5 August 2010 Ria de Muros, Spain

Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Thu 5 Aug 2010 17:31

The very opposite to yesterday.  We awoke to a virtually clear sky.  Days on this coast seem to alternate between grey and blue.  Today is a blue day.


It was only 18 miles to our destination, Ensenada de San Sanfrancisco in the north west of the Ria de Muros.  As the weather was settled and the wind still from the North East, i.e. an offshore breeze, we were able to take the inshore route with good close ups of the shore on our starboard and off-lying reefs to our port.  We were at anchor by 15:00 for a late lunch – Spanish time.


As I write the smell of a cooking chicken beckons from the galley. 


A short day and a short blog!