Day 15 with Alice and Stuart - Navadra Island

Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Mon 6 Oct 2014 06:28

Position           017:27.47S 177:02.65E

Date                1345 Tuesday 22 July 2014

Distance run from Dwaraqa 20nm – 21nm through the water – 3hrs45mins underway


This was our last stop on our circumnavigation of Fiji before returning to Musket Cove to meet incoming friendlies in the shape of son, Andrew.  It was the favourite location and is a beautiful anchorage with great snorkelling.  It is somewhat rolly but less so if the wind is stronger which after having waited two weeks it actually was.


The view west cross the anchorage from Caduceus


And south to one of the main beaches


Looking east from the rocks on the beach in the previous photograph


The anchorage is called Navadra after the eastern island of the bay but the island best for the beach and snorkelling is actually Mamanutha-i-Ra.  As there was a swell running we landed through the surf, we were dressed for the occasion.  Getting back off the beach was a careful timed team effort as a dash has to be made between the larger waves which seem to come every 7th one.  The island provides some nice short walks and the opportunity for beachcombing for shells.