Five days in the Bay of Islands

Date Saturday 15 to Wednesday 19 November 2014 Distance run 42nm over the ground Our long lost friend David and his wife Nicky joined us for five days for a cruise around the Bay of Islands. With one day delay whilst we hid in the marina from foul weather and another day spent hiding from unfavourable conditions in Urupukapuka Bay we had three great days visiting various anchorages and sailing around the “Hole in the Wall” Rock off Cape Brett. Nicky and David were great company and I trust that a good time was had by all. The centre part of the chart shows our route around the islands. The area is not huge, our total trip around the bay was just 42nm, but there are a host of pretty bays and anchorages with good walks ashore. The scenery is absolutely ‘awesome’. The motley crew Caduceus at anchor at Roberton Island The crowded anchorage at Urupukapuka Island The Hole in the Wall off Cape Brett – tripper boats pass through the hole We had a lunch stop in Deep Water Bay after circumnavigating the Hole in the Wall Rock Tripper boats come out to see the dolphins. We had our own wonderful 40 minute display The pod was over 12 strong with some of the largest dolphins that we have seen. The view from the top of Motorua (Army Bay) looking towards Cape Brett in the distance |