Ascension Island to the Azores Day 14 – Fish and ships

Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Sun 5 Mar 2017 03:49
16:17.17 N 031:54.24 W
2359 (UTC) Saturday 04 March 2017
Distance run in 24hrs
131nm over the ground, 129nm through the water
Passage total 1,851nm over
the ground, 1,765nm through the water
Distance to go 1,786nm
Planned distance Ascension to the Azores west around the
high 3,666nm
I am obviously running out of things to write - apologies for the
Fish and ships!
Today the wind has at last veered slightly enabling us to make some easting
from our original course as we endeavour to position ourselves for coping with
the developing weather systems between where we are and the Azores. It is
getting decidedly cooler with lightweight shorts having given way to longer and
heavier numbers and tee shirts during the day with fleece tops added for night
watches. The heat is no longer a problem as we are now at approximately
the same latitude north as St Helen is south. Elizabeth has excavated a
tagine of lamb from her freezer stock, the sea conditions not being conducive to
original creations. She did however produce an excellent omelette for
lunch with Parma ham from Cape Town with me acting as ‘Sous’, catching anything
that escaped.