Morgan's Bluff to Charleston Day 1 - Now for some serious sailing
Date Tuesday 17 April 2012 After Saturday’s rollicking ride we sat out Sunday and Monday
whilst the 25 knot winds outside the harbour produced an impressive sea
charging past the entrance and crashing on the breakwater and Bluff to the east
and the reefs visible to the west. WiFi decided that I would not connect from
the boat on this visit but a trip ashore to the harbour bar with the laptop
solved that problem and email was done with some Skype calls of good quality.
We also had a very pleasant and interesting visit from Anne Stewart and Mike
Weston of Grey Wolf, a Canadian Seacraft 33 originally from The wind moderated during Monday afternoon and with a reasonable
forecast we set off from Morgan’s Bluff at 0720 heading, we decided, direct
for Charleston South Carolina, a trip of approximately of 490 miles, much of it
riding the Gulf Stream north. A picture being worth a great deal of verbage, this chart shows our
progress across the Great Bahama Bank and our position at midnight. The blue
bits are the shallow parts; in the case of today’s passage mostly between
3 and 5 metres. The white bits are a different issue with thousands of metres
in the gaps. 105nm covered by midnight which was not bad considering the light winds
mostly from well aft the beam during the day. Now we have the excitement of the
Gulf Stream which given the ever lightening wind will be required to flush us
north. |