Day 6 with Alice and Stuart - Sailed to Viani Bay, Vanua L evu

Position 016:44.83S 179:53.56E Date 1445 Sunday 13 July 2014 Distance run from Koro 52nm – 50.1nm through the water – 7hrs 30min underway This was not a good days sailing as the wind, what there was of it was directly on the nose. We did however make the objective which was our most easterly destination. Part of the aim of going to Viani Bay was to meet Jack Fisher, a local character who provides guidance on snorkelling and dive sites. We found two other Amel yachts anchored off Jack’s village, a Swiss Santorin and a Belgian registered but French owned Super Maramu. They very kindly gave me a series of tracks acquired from another Super Maramu for various passages around the islands of Fiji together with Google Earth overlays for OpenCPN. These were to prove a very valuable additional source of information, especially given the poor accuracy of the charts available. |