To Amanwana Resort Moyo Island overnight

Position 08:16.61 S 117.30.36 E Date 0815 (UTC+8) Saturday 31 October 2015 Trip total In 23hrs 30 min 128nm over the ground, 136m through the water Arrived at Amanwana Resort, Moyo Island, Indonesia Pulua Banta provided an ideal settled spot for a job that required doing before a real problem occurred. The mainsail furler gearbox had for time been making ominous, graunching noises. When this has occurred previously packing more grease into it postponed the problem but did no cure it. Back in 2012 when this first occurred I obtained a replacement from Amel; now was the time to fit it. Possibly I can get the old one refurbished somewhere along the way. After a day sorting the furler out it was time to move on. We really wished to complete the next leg in one hit with no intermediate stops as we crossed the top of Sumbawa Island. The distance of 136 miles dictated that this was an overnight passage timed to arrive in daylight. Slipping at 0845, the first challenge was crossing the strait between Pulua Banta and Sumbawa where we saw currents of up to 5 knots just aft the beam which slowed us down and made motor sailing in the light winds essential if we were to lay our course. We had great views of the volcanic island of Sangeang which unfortunately did not turn into good photographs due to the heat haze. The volcanic island of Sangeang north west of Sumbawa Overnight we managed to sail for about 50% of the time and Elizabeth had a merry time avoiding fishing boats. What we avoided and did not see who knows as there are all sort of hazards left by fishermen. Spotted just after dawn. We are not sure what this is but are pleased not to have hit it in the dark The passage planning worked well and we anchored just south of the Amanwana Resort on Moyo Island at 0815. I think that the Pilot Book is being a little generous in its description of this anchorage. It may have good diving and snorkelling but the shelf off the reef is deep and narrow and with enough chain out for the depth you are likely to end up on the reef if the wind shifts onshore. Looking at other cruisers comments that seems to be the general opinion. Despite being a little tired from the overnight passage we stopped long enough to have breakfast and decided to push on a further 30nm to the anchorage off Kramat Island that we had seen used earlier by Flomaida and Firefly. |