Back to Somes Sound - Buoy Watch

Date 2000 – Sunday 10 July 2011 (UTC -4) An additional note on The Cows Yard – the depth on the chart is
overstated and silting has taken place. We found a spot with about 2 - .5
metres at chart datum and if we took the mud we sank into it. The Pilot says
do not go beyond the second island on the west side of the anchorage; we would
say that you require to be abeam of that island for the depth. Nevertheless
the best anchorage yet for scenery and solitude. Sorry for the play on words in the title, no hassel( At best they appear every 200-300 metres but anywhere where the water
is less than 20 metres deep they can be 50 metres or less apart. For the
uninitiated they are buoys (pronounced – ‘booeys’ for those
anglicised readers) marking lobster traps and they number in the millions. For
anyone who has sailed in these they are old hat and a hazard of the course, to
the uninitiated they dominate every moment of a passage. In deeper water there
is an even sneakier trick in that each buoy has a marker attached to it and
floating innocently up to 10 metres from it and joined often by a semi floating
line waiting to snag a keel or prop. The best protection is to go around them but if that fails we have a
keel that is well shaped to throw them off, the prop is mounted on the back
face of the keel so no “P” bracket to snag the line, we have a ‘Spurs’
rope cutter fitted in front of the prop to cut any line that gets into the prop
and the rudder is fully skegged which again should throw off a line. Still as Thomas
Jefferson said, appropriately for the location I suppose, “The price of
freedom is eternal vigilance”. It certainly keeps you on your toes and
limits boredom. The trip back east to Mount Desert Island was timed to leave at high
water, carry 6 hours of ebb tide and take advantage of a brief spell of Schoodic Point was again
looking benign; a photograph could not be taken from this position if it as
not. For We made our way back to Somes Sound as there are two walks that we wished
to do and did not fit in on our first visit. For a lunch stop we went to the
head of the Sound, Somesville, pretty but with the only place to anchor amongst
the moorings taken by a 45ft sloop anchored on rope it was a definitely not an
overnight location this time. Retuning back down the Sound we again anchored at Valley Cove and took
a walk up Round three of the chicken was mixed with prawns to make paella –
it is tough at the front, the situation that is, not the chicken, which has also
produced two coronation chicken lunches. The chick is now definitely “finis”. |