1200 Saturday 21 January 2012

A little larger than last time we crossed the Atlantic
and this time someone else is responsible for the driving, navigation and
It certainly solved the problem of how to get our excess baggage across
the pond.

may be seen pushing even more absolutely vitals into an already bursting at the
seams bag whilst the porter on the left deals with our selection of designer
cardboard boxes; very Louis Vuitton.
Not having ever travelled on a liner or cruise ship before, the Queen
Elizabeth was quite an experience. We managed to pack all our lumber in
our cabin (cruise speak – stateroom) with only one box not hidden
away. A couple of photographs may give an idea of the bygone era opulence
that has been recreated on the ship.

The central lobby viewed looking aft and forward.

The catering was of a
high standard and it would have been a shame to waste (waist?) the
experience. Here is Elizabeth
trying taking a little light tea, very Morningside.

form part of a weight reduction program, only to be undertaken after seeking
advice from you general practitioner.
We thoroughly enjoyed the
on board entertainment, music, lectures, dancing and even took part in a talent
show. The crossing to New York
was uneventful and even 36 hours of storm force winds did little to upset the
steady consumption of what was on offer.
All too soon, 6 days, we
arrived in a very drizzly New York;
our first visit was intended to be under our own sail but this was a good
second best. Next time?.

We were in New York for 36 hours
which gave us time to get off the ship and see some of the sites. Elizabeth’s new hip
bore up well to a goodly amount of walking.

It was then all aboard
for the final two days to Fort
Lauderdale. We managed to wangle a trip to the

And continued to enjoy
the very varied entertainment.

Leaving the ship in Fort Lauderdale was a world apart from wintery Southampton.