Ascension Island to the Azores Day 21 – Still heading east

Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Sun 12 Mar 2017 04:58
Position                    26:00.36 N 022:09.23 W
Date                         2359 (UTC) Saturday 11 March 2017
Distance run              in 24hrs 149nm over the ground, 152nm through the water
Passage total             2,850nm over the ground, 2,772nm through the water
Distance to go           756nm      A bit drop over yesterday as we cut the corner on our previous weather routing course
Planned distance       Ascension to the Azores west around the high 3,666nm
The engine went off at 0100 as the forecast wind filled in to a steady 11 to 12 knots, somewhat earlier than expected and from the north.  This gave us a great days sailing on the wind, port tack heading mainly east but making some ground towards the north.  The wind faded away at 2000 and we used the four hours up to midnight to motor in a more north easterly direction.  The large changes in wind direction that we have seen over the last few days coupled with activity away to our north west have produced many different swell patterns.  During the last four hours these combined to produce a very confused short sea that rocked the boat all over the place in a very random manner; nothing violent but it made for uncomfortable living..Whilst food has not featured in the last few entries, we have ben eating well and even after three weeks provisions and we still have fresh fruit and vege.  Tonight we have Spanish Chicken from the freezer.