Mount Desert Island - South West Harbor

Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Fri 1 Jul 2011 17:00

Position           44:16.37N 068:18.91W

Date                1800 – Friday 1 July 2011 (UTC -4)


A great Boeuf Stroganoff last night with one of our diminishing stock of Spanish red half bottles finished off a good day having arrived in Maine.  The late start at 1130 however was more to do with enjoying sitting in the bright sunshine and enjoying the view than the night before; we also did not have far to go, only 15nm to Southwest Harbor on Mount Desert Island.


We sailed gently between the islands, playing dodgems with the thousands and thousands of lobster trap buoys – we had been warned. 


Sailing between the islands when the wind is light and there is no sea running is great and the constantly changing views a delight. 



This is the view back into Burnt Coat Harbor, Swans Island through the “locals only” channel – we went the long way round.


Southwest Harbor on Mount Desert Island is home to Hinckley Yachts, a prestige US builder and a major sailing centre in the season.  There was a coastguard warning about racing fleets and indeed we had to thread our way through racing day boats trying hard not to take their wind.


Finding somewhere to anchor was difficult as the harbour and approaches are crammed with mooring buoys.  We eventually found a clear spot; there certainly isn’t room for many boats to anchor.


We had a good walk ashore and purchased fresh fruit and vegetables to last us for some days in the wilderness and also found an eatery attached to one to the Lobster Fishery docks so it is off there this evening.