Norfolk Day 1 - Au revoir Bermuda

Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Sun 15 May 2011 22:59

Position           32:48.96N 66:32.43W

Date                 2359 - 15 May 2011 (UTC -3)


Well, we did not leave on Saturday 14 May as repairs being carried out on our sailing companion Alice following an anchor dragging in the high winds earlier in the week were not completed until Saturday afternoon.  This gave opportunity for some more sightseeing and a visit to St Peter’s Church in the town of St George.



This beautiful church was originally built in 1619 on the spot of an earlier wooden and thatched building built in 1612.  It was rebuilt in 1713 following hurricane damage and side wings and the clock tower were added in the 19th century.  The interior is built from local cedar and retains the original box pews including a Royal Box and a Governor’s Box, dating back to the days when St George was the island capital.



All preparation completed we had a final run ashore met Celia and Andrew and Alan and Sue Brooke from Sulana, who arrived on Friday from Antigua bound for Halifax, fr a very convivial meal in the White Horse Inn on the market square.


Sunday dawned bright and windless. 



Nevertheless a prompt start was made at 0700 and in the company of Alice we cleared out with the ever watchful Bermuda Radio and left via the Town Cut.



The day continued with very light winds and moto sailing was the order of the day to make sensible progress towards our first way point, plotted for us by the Commander Weather routing service to get us towards a suitable place to cross the Gulf Stream two days hence.


An interesting sighting during the day were hundreds of jelly fish drifting across the surface propelled by their raised sail like wing.  The photograph does not do justice, the actual width of the wing is about 15cms, 6 inches.