Bermuda Day 3 - Into the Horse Latitudes and a phenomena

Martin and Elizabeth Bevan
Mon 2 May 2011 04:00

Position           25:39.10N 64:39.06W

Date                2359 – 1 May 2011


Well it was all going well until 1400 when the wind dropped and I suppose that we officially entered the “Horse Latitudes”.  In the absence of a horse to throw overboard we put on the iron horse and resorted to diesel power. (Apologies here for the mixed metaphors).  The barometer rose consistently through the day indicating that we were sailing/motoring into the high that is lurking to the east of Bermuda.


Alice and ourselves continue to keep station.  We appeared to have the edge with winds over 15 knots and they have the edge when the wind was somewhat lighter; we are however evenly enough matched to make keeping station at about 1nm not too difficult.


We observed a phenomena this afternoon but are not sure what it is, the sun had a perfect halo, the photograph does not do it justice but gives the general idea – answers on the back of an email please.



A benefit during the day was a favourable current which at times was up to a knot.  There were no sightings of anything except for the odd bird, s decent ocean bird guide remains on the shopping list, and a direct and very loud hit from a flying fish after dark.  Said fish was duly repatriated to its native medium.


The day ended with us motor sailing at 7 plus knots in the correct direction.  Dinner was Fray Bentos Steak and Kidney pie - excellent!