W&W 31:09S 156:54E
Salsa af Stavsnas
Ellinor Ristoff Staffan Ehde
Wed 10 Jun 2015 13:07
Another night has started and tonight it is pitch
black, raining and a hellish wind between 10 to 25 knots, like a flash it goes
up and down.
The waves which I have no idea how big they are,
just offload tons of water on deck. Im sitting dressed like it was a Swedish
winter day with long johns etc.
But not miserable, I just had a cup of warm green
tea and in the cockpit you are very well sheltered from the bad bad
It was expected, all day we have been motoring and
I was looking forward to more wind, and here we got it, thank you!
280nM to go to Newcastle. ETA is according to our
speed now 2 pm the 12th. The day after tomorrow. But unfortunally we will need
longer time to get there, the wind will start dropping tomorrow night and that
leaves us again stranded and we have to motor the last bit.
Well we take a second at the time and nobody is
really suffering on board.
Another day of school, lunch started off with a
carrot to chew on, then a bean/onion salad as an entré, a bowl of tomato soup as
the secondo, and as the main course lasagne. No desert. Sounds impressive? Well
it was left overs from the fridge, none being enough to feed us all. The only
invention was that I made a tomatosauce to a soup.
Dinner; Nachos heated in the oven with Salsa and
grinded cheese, served with Guacamole on the side. Sounds great too! Well we are
trying to use all our inventories and the guacamole was canned- not to bad for
being so, but a blind test? Naaaa.
As we are in harsh weather it inpires some writing
about hard weather again.
To be on a passage is all about weather and
water=W&W. You could say the landscape shifts and I guess that nowhere else
other than in a desert is weather so visible, from the horizon all the way
to us, 360 degrees. The landscape is shifting with the highs and the lows in the
weather system.
A high pressure system is like a mountain,
invisible to the eye but visible in effect, as the air rushes down the slope we
have the wind, the steeper the mountain the faster it falls. Then comes the
coriolis effect, the world is turning as the wind falls and it becomes a
circular effect, the highs going clockwise on the northern hemisphere and
opposite on the southern. The lows are the valleys, the holes in the atmosphere,
the same there, the deeper and steeper the faster the winds will run down. and
of course you will have air falling down from the highs to the
The waves that occurs from the Fetch, remember? The
length of water that can be affected by the wind, they are a result of all this
energy, all this wind pushing the water creating waves that grow with the
strength of the wind. But the waves are mostly just a nuisance for the chef
on board a small sailboat.Dangerous is when they start to crash, or become so
high that a boat is sliding down steep slopes and she looses
But crashing waves is the most fearsome for anybody
but surfers. When you see surfers you know that coastline is a problem to boats,
kayaks etc.
Crashing waves give up all their energy and you do
not want to be under them. So as a sailor you check the depths, let's say you
have a swell at about 4 meters, it might be a nice rolling swell that does
not present any danger. But when that swell is pressed up by a depth going from
say 2000 meters to 50 meters you are in for a lot of water that has to go
somewhere, and it will pile up, getting steep and crash.
The other factor you have to look for is the tidal
stream or any current. When it moves against the waves it can become more than
So as you enter a channel or shallow waters you
need to be aware, and the problem is that when you see the back of the waves it
is hard to see if they crash.
Especially when going through openings in reefs you
can be in trouble if your timing is wrong. With waves crashing against the
opening you would wait til the tide is slack before going in, when it goes out
you can actually have standing waves, beautyful when you are standing
Before we left for this trip I was wondering how I
would deal with high waves. I had seen pictures and films with small boats on
the ocean with mountains of water behind them. I guess it creates the same
feeling as when you are facing a height, standing there with your toes in the
air, looking down 300 meters, no fence, you feel how it ticles.
And sure enough the way to deal with the waves is
the same as when you are climbing the mountain, you just dont look down, you
look up.
I ignore the waves, I know that sitting in the
cockpit looking at these freekish mountains of water will not make me feel
better so I just look forward (PRESUMING THEY ARE COMING FROM
I check them somtimes just to see the state they
are in, like you would look down as you climb to get a reality
The polynesian navigators had a very interesting
way of dealing with this liquid landscape. As they navigated without compass
they had to know stars and how to use the movement of the sea to know where they
where heading. But they also has a way to bring order to the sensations, so
instead of trying to keep a moving boat in mind as you are trying to keep
islands, waves and currents at the same time, you just sunk down to a state
where the boat was the fixed thing in the ocean, everything else was moving,
even the islands.
After reading this in a research paper about 20
years ago, at least before the GPS, I tried it in the Stockholm archipellago, to
pretend that my boat was fixed and everything else was moving, and suddenly it
was much easier to keep track of the islands surrounding me. And in the
Stockholm archipellao we have lots and lots of islands (about
So as we are into the 6th day at sea, we just see
the boat as being our fixed place and the rest is moving, hopefully the
Astralian continent is up to speed now...