Communication now and then
Salsa af Stavsnas
Ellinor Ristoff Staffan Ehde
Sat 4 May 2013 02:03
I have wrote it before but I just have to do it
again in a different way.
As I was writing to my oldest daughter Lisa we
wrote that it is amazing that we can share thoughts and feelings from one part
of the world to the other.
When I was in Galapagos last time Johanna my second
daughter was just new born. You can imagine how popular that was to leave for
another continent.
Well once we came to St Cruix / Galapagos I wanted
to keep some contact with home.
There was no telephone but a telegraph station on
top of a hill.
I went there and payed 1USD per word. But the
challenge was that the telegraph machine had som letters missing. So you had to
use words that made sense without some letters.
Coming home from a near month away I found out that
none of the telegrams had come to their destiny!
Today we can email or phone from anywhere in the
world and it is strange, especially at sea. Today you can even buy a gadget that
communicates with your smart phone on blue tooth, and this gadget connects your
phone or ipad with a satellite network and you can communicate beyond telecom
Is all this good or bad?
Well I guess it might take some of the adventure
away, especially the GPS navigation etc, but it has made it possible for more to
go away and keep in touch. The amount of families travelling by sea is amazing.
Check out they are
here with us on this anchorage right now, travelling with 3 small kids (the
youngest being 2 years old). Great couple and I cannot imagine how they