Monday A day of work

Salsa af Stavsnas
Ellinor Ristoff Staffan Ehde
Tue 21 Jun 2011 06:57
Yesterday was monday on board. We had a lot of people on board going through the boat. We also cleaned a lot of stuff out, it's amazing how much garbage the previous owners left on the boat. Also most plastic things are affected by time and sun. The list seems endless. In between when Andreas and Ellinor where sleeping, Erica and I looked at a chart and started planning the next stop, and Erika was learning how to measure on a sea chart (who said you cannot sit on it?) . We ended the day by going to the local restaurant eating fresh mackerel and drinking beer of course… When the kids where sleeping we started to remove the old name and attach the new.We are planning on moving today if the antennas will be fixed this morning. The first move is just to get out of this harbor when the tide is high enough and then put ourselves at anchor and plan the next move according to the tidal streams at sea

