From steam train to thunderstorm

Salsa af Stavsnas
Ellinor Ristoff Staffan Ehde
Tue 28 Jun 2011 19:33
A day ashore, taking the stem train to a nearby town and the kids where picking shells.
Ellinor and I had some exercise, running and powerwalk (in turns)
We had leebunks made in Dartmouth by some great people running the a canvas factory.
Left in the evening for a "long" sail to Isle of White, I was sailing til early morning in great half wind running the boat up to 9 knots!
I saw four boats the entire night. Ellinor took over and later we aimed for Brighton.
But we sailed in to a thunderstorm where we had lightning all over and above us.
Gave up and turned our noses towards Portmouth. Here we are. Tired after 100 nM
The kids have played all day and had no problems.