Working towards the end?
Salsa af Stavsnas
Ellinor Ristoff Staffan Ehde
Sat 28 Feb 2015 22:52
When the kids are about to leave home, there you are on your own. Like a slippery slope, we jumped on this journey and there is no regret at all. These three years have created a highlight that will spark in us as long as we live, and just as there is never so dark as after a firework, you have to adjust your eyesight to the new light. But this life has also been a struggle, always new challenges. Right now we are running between taking laundry ashore with the dinghy, wash it in a washing machine that is more of a joke than a washing machine. Get the laundry dry between rainfalls, bring it out again to the boat without getting salt water on it.... We are fixing stuff to keep Salsa in the best of shapes so if somebody want to buy her they will get her in the best of shape. We are filling in forms to Fiji authorities to get a new island cruise permission and next week it is time to get a new visa to stay longer. We are also filling in forms to get the kids into school back in Sweden and Ellinor has been communicating with her new employer. We have been looking at where to leave Salsa back and forth. We hate to leave her in Australia with nobody we know, that might end up being her downfall and finally we have to sell her for anything to just get rid of the costs. So our revised plan is that if she is not sold while we are in Fiji we will sail her down to New Zealand. The reason is that we have friends in the boat business that can take care of her. We trust them and we are not worried she will be left to downgrade. This is going to happen in the beginning of May as there is still danger of hurricanes in April. The tough part is that we will arrive in NZ when they are entering fall... Well there we plan on packing a case that will go on a ship to Sweden and then fly home in time to manage somewhere to live before school and work starts after the summer (in Sweden). So all in all this focus keeps us busy and the kids talk a lot about how things are going be different. Andreas looks a little confused, we have found out he does not even remember how we lived before we left (it did not help that we visited our house while at home last summer), the other day he asked what 3 rooms and a kitchen means (in Swedish you abbreviate it 3rumokök) as we were discussing what to look for as a start. I guess that emotionally we are in a momentum were there is no time or expectation on what to feel. You move into an autopilot mood to get things done. What is obvious is that when we are out at anchor and experience the nature and solitude- we really appreciate it as we can see an end to it... This place on earth is astonishing! Being on a white sand beach is great but to take pictures it is harsh light unless you make it at dawn or sunrise. I worked my way into the rainforest behind and had some going at the contrasts between spots of sunlight entering the ground. You can call us on the Swedish number 0842043121 and reach us wherever we are Local PHONE NUMBER IN Fiji +6799385208 Callsign SLOR Sattelite number +870773991871 Our loggbook will be updated through satellite on |