Merry Christmas!

Salsa af Stavsnas
Ellinor Ristoff Staffan Ehde
Wed 26 Dec 2012 13:30
The time to blogg is definitely much less now when ashore.
But the pile of laundry has finally vanished and most service is done.
Yesterday it was a very joyful day when Lisa (my oldest daughter) and Gustaf arrived.
They came a couple of hours before we anticipated, since they landed on the smaller airport closer to Rodney Bay.
Fully loaded with christmas gifts and spare parts, and an SBB radio that was huge.
I took the water pump right away (well first I hugged them!) and unfortunately it was not ready to install, I have to find someone that can weld a tube to it and
it is Christmas here now. Are we lucky I will have it fixed in a few hours.
We went to the beach and had a great afternoon, swimming in 32 degrees C of water. Lisa and Gustaf where astonished.
Then it was time for an late afternoon siesta before we feasted on spaghetti al mare, cold white wine and the sun went down and with it the temperature (to 25C)
Lisa took charge of the gift distribution and we had a great time with gifts from close and far.
Candles light in old jars from Lingonberry.
Right now I'm watching the chaos it always is when a lot of people are going to the beach. They are heading for Pigeon Island with the dinghy.
I'll remain here to see if I can get the water pump fixed.