Very close to the equator 00.33N 87.41 W

Salsa af Stavsnas
Ellinor Ristoff Staffan Ehde
Mon 29 Apr 2013 18:07
As Salsa is making good speed over ground on an almost flat sea we are preparing the coming fest.
When we cross the equator there will be some ceremonies. Everybody is busy with costumes etc.
Will be back with a report on how it went!
O, by the way, last night we caught a big bird in our fishing line, not funny, I hauled it in and the ships doctor got it loose.
Now we hope it will stay away from us again. The amount of birds that actually stop on the boat is amazing.
Our beautyful white mainsail is full of bird.....
Yesterday Erika spoke with another boatchild on the short wave radio for the first time, she was excited. Not only must she speak english but also hear past all the noise in radiowaves.
The sailing last night was like a dream, seas became flat but the wind remained at 10 knots, and we could speed close hauled at 6 knots or more, had nothing to do but look at the horizon and read a book or catch a nap (maximum 20 minutes!)