Left Savusavu 16.48S179.17

Salsa af Stavsnas
Ellinor Ristoff Staffan Ehde
Thu 11 Sep 2014 07:50
Today we finally let the mooring go, topped up the water tanks, said good bye to many friends and took off.
On the way out we met the first Swedish boat in a long time. A Hallberg Rassy by the name Liv.
We went about 3 nM before we let the anchor go.
Yes 3 nM! By choice. Nothing else. This place was recommended by Legacy, a great spot to see lots and lots of fish.
The reason you find a lot of fish we do not know but we had a very annoying experience, there is a resort nearby, called Costeau of all names and they obviously feed the fish when they bring their guests to the place.
I prefer shy fish, we jumped in and it felt like being a piece of meat thrown into the water so the pyrhaias could have their meal.
We were attacked by swarms of seargant fish and when they realised we had no food they tried to take a byte of me and Andreas.
Well well, it was really nice to be out on a nice place and just enjoy the peacefullness at anchor.
Our plan is to aim for south Lau, and the island of Fulanga.
The boat is full of food and supplies as we count on being there as long as possible.
The Lau group has recently been opened to foreigners and is supposed to be very pristine and the villages are extremely traditional.
As we get there we will have no internet or phone other than satellite again. Just so you know.
No pictures for a while but hopefully more thereafter.