very calm 32.20S 174.49E

Salsa af Stavsnas
Ellinor Ristoff Staffan Ehde
Sun 17 Nov 2013 01:25
This will most probably be a short report.
Last night we motored all  night. We had Miss My in sight, about 3-4 nM away from us. Very rare to see another boat under way.Especially good friends.
This morning we decided to give the engine a break and hoisted the genacker (the big ice bear). We could and can sail along with a speed of 4,3-4,5 knots. It is slow but peaceful. We will let her do this for a while today and then pick up speed again with the engine.
The sea is like the one you would show when selling a boat, deep blue, sunny, 19 degrees in the shade, smooth soft waves, blue sky.
In cases like this the favorite spot for the free watch is to sleep in the fore peak. There you can close two doors behind you, lay in the V bunk and open the big hatch, the only sound you hear is the water gurgling on the sides of the hull. Maybe it is like being back in your mothers tummy. Very peaceful, you fall asleep.
Tuday the Tuna is finished, gone, the last piece went over board.
On the radiotraffic this morning you could hear everybody is very relieved about getting close to NZ and no storms in sight until after tuesday when there is a gale on. Less funny for those that stopped in Minerva now, is that they are hit by severe thunder storms, they are trying to escape the scene.
I wrote that the tide in NZ is most likely like UK, it is not. Now when we checked all the info about getting into harbor we found the tide to be only 2 meter. The current into Opua is like 0,3 knots at the most. Probably Whangarei has much more current.