New Charts and terrible Good Byes

Salsa af Stavsnas
Ellinor Ristoff Staffan Ehde
Thu 28 Mar 2013 02:10
Today we sailed in a quite steady 18 knots wind inside the reefs of San Blas to Porvenir. Ellinor checked us out with the Kuna authorities and now we are at anchor waiting for the next day to break.Tomorrow morning we are heading at sea towards Colon, but will probably break the day 40 miles from here.
As we prepare for all the work in Panama we started to check inventories.
Ellinor worked her way through the food supplies and I archived all paper charts that belong to the Atlantic and took out all charts for the Pacific. And that is a whole lot! The pacific is a BIG ocean with about 20.000 islands scattered on this blue part of the planet.
So as we go through the Panama canal we will switch ocean. Feels big!
This journey has been a lot of Good Byes, some are just fine, some are harder. Leaving Sunrise behind us was a real hard one. They are so nice, truly caring, easy going and themselfes. We really hope to see them again some day. They will stay here in San Blas another month and then head for Equador and leave the boat there for a while. Their daughter Isobell is four years old and she has been living on a boat since she was six months! One day when she was on our boat she said: - You know, when you live in a house you can have a LOT of stuff!"
By the way, four year olds have their way, I asked Andreas the other day when he had been very very nasty to Erika, - What did you think Andreas when you did that?- And I looked very angry, he looked at me with his very blue eyes and answered straight to me: - Well you know, I have not thought of any good answer to tha question-....