Now she is in the water again/ preparation preparation
Salsa af Stavsnas
Ellinor Ristoff Staffan Ehde
Sat 26 May 2012 05:36
As preparation is speeding up Salsa is back in the water, no mast. Waiting for parts... You think you start early by ordering in February. Engines running great, the solarstik is feeding power... The small mast You could write a book about the three years before a long trip starts. Especially at this time, four weeks away from the cast off. Probably nobody writes a book about it because there is hardly no time while you are in it and ones you are on your way the memory of it disappears. Our home is a mess, boxes everywhere, at the same time we a throwing a party for Erika tomorrow, her birthday being July 1st will be celebrated ahead of time so friends and schoolmates can be with her. It's also a farewell party, they get to see the boat and where Erika will live for three years. Today Im getting the boat from the yard without mast. Crazy but we think that it is important to let Erika show it. Then Salsa has to go up to the boatyard again tomorrow, we are waiting for one part from Reckman that before the mast can be hoisted. |