17 kilometers and Kinderegg

Salsa af Stavsnas
Ellinor Ristoff Staffan Ehde
Tue 18 Jun 2013 05:27
Today we had asked Jack, one of the local people in
the village if he could take us to Tatahihoua the main village on Fatu Hiva. He
took us there in his aluminium boat and a 15 horsepower outboard., a great 40
minute ride alonge the fjords of the island.
Our plan was to see the village and the walk back
to Hanavave, our village where the our boat is at anchor.
Everybody told us that it was a looong walk! 17
Well in Tatahihoua there we could find a lot of
things in one of the three stores. But the prices! Anyway since our kids
where about to walk so far they could choose some candy to be eaten midway. They
bought 2 Kindereggs, and the prices where like buying 5 of them.
We walked up to 650 meters over the sea, and it was
a tought walk, but the kids made it. As we walked in a forest of mango trees we
could just pick some and eat as we liked. The walk was the most beautyful we
have ever made. It was peaceful and every curve opened to new views and new
great peaks of lava covered by vegetation.
We started the walk at about 10 in the morning and
where in our village by 5.30 in the afternoon.
Guess if we loved to take a swim and clean our
dirty feet!