5th day celebration 32.01S176.29W

Salsa af Stavsnas
Ellinor Ristoff Staffan Ehde
Wed 30 Jul 2014 07:59
It all depends on how you count, but today the kids
decided it was time for our tradtional 5 day celebration at sea.
I offered the regular "get yourselfe clean" on aft
deck with buckets of fresh saltwater from the sea, but nobody bought into it,
not even I.
The water here is now up to 15 degrees but with the
cool air it was more tempting to take a hot shower in the boat
And hot water we have, when you run the engine we
get it for free from the cooling system.
Decision was made during breakfast, that
celebration today contained the following:
movie for the kids.
Drinks for everybody by 4pm (well its a beer for
the skipper, the rest drink sodas)
Dinner at 5pm with our world famous Pacific Soup
and freshly baked bread
Desert to be a surprise made by the
As the day was moving on I was asking Andreas to
finish up a list he was writing (for writing exercise),
well he responded he did not need to as it
celebration day.
"Well one has to work in between, life cannot just
be a continuos celebration" I repled with Luther on my shoulder,
Andreas responded " yes you could celebrate every
day just because you are alive..."
Hard to beat that one from a 6 year
For the first time since we lost sight of the NZ
coast we saw somebody else than ourselves, beautyful dolphins came up to our
boat and greeted us gently for 10 minutes and then disappeared.
Nice weather but still cold winds, we are striving
towards 175 W, we have used 160 litres of diesel so now as the wind picks up we
are sailing even though we are sailing SE.
We have to wait any way for the wind to veer to
East so we can go up North.
This journey might take a while.