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Ellinor Ristoff Staffan Ehde
Thu 23 Oct 2014 01:21
When I'm doing something boring like installing a new bilge pump or servicing some water filters I listen to some podcasts, my favourites being the "summer speakers" (Sommar pratarna), it is a series where they let somebody talk for an hour and play their own music. I'm far behind on the schedule as I'm listening to those that spoke the summer 2013. Fredrik Lindström, one of my favourites talks about how many commercial messages we have to take in every day:2000, and how we are affected by it.
One of the things that is holding the economy going is of course our demand for the latest phone or a new TV. If we were happy with what we had, the whole economy would probably collaps.
I read a story the other day about a guy that was going to help a factory in Sout America somewhere to become more efficient.
The outcome was just a disaster when compared to other similar facilities in the world.
The specialist thought the sallary was not good for motivation and decided they would pay the workers by the production outcome instead of a monthly sallary. The production manager tried to warn him but it was executed. And yes the first three weeks were really the most productive ever- but then something happened- the fourth week nobody showed up...
Why would they work more when they made the same amount of money in three weeks?
Being in Fulaga you realize life there is not ment to be boosted by more consumption and production. When they have made enough that's it, then you can go and drink kava.
This is something absolutely unheard of in the world I was brought up and now I can see the stressful situation in the big city.
First of all, there are messages everywhere- things my brain has to read and make a standpoint...and I need a new 3D television or new detergent to be more clean.
My phone has been absolutely a berserk, having a sim card from Vodafone they consider me the easy target on every day commercials.
It started out with about one textmessage (sms) per hour with unbeatable offers from who do I know? I even think they sent me text when I was close to a store that bought their offer, by doing so they thought I would love them?
So I went in to a Vodafone store and asked to be taken out of the commercial traffic.
"So you mean you do not want to receive any good offers anymore?" she asked like I was asking her something pervert...
"Yes please"
"Ok so I put you on the black list..."
"What? What does it mean, am I blacklisted!?"
"Yes we call it that, the list of those that wish no offers, a black list...."
"Well thank you, yes I wish to be on it" (first time I asked to be blacklisted)
The phone was quite for 3 hours and then Vodafone started to bomb me with
offers about cheaper phonecalls from midnight-answer now #343#.
Well thank you! So next time I was in town I went to their store and asked to be taken off the list entirely, not only to offers from vendors.
"But you are our customer! You might miss cheap texting or cheap overseas calls"
"I don't care, put me on the next black list"
Now she looked like I was asking her to eat a raw pig head with tongue and eyes left in it.
"This means you will be out of everything" she tried with a desperate look
"Yes please eat that eat a raw pig head with tongue and eyes left in it please" i did not say that but that was what she heard.
Tomorrow we will get our batteries and we need them desperately now, we have to charge ours three times a day with the generator. On top of that it is raining and there is no wind. That means no sun or wind power.
Yesterday it was raining like crazy, but it is still very very warm and today it feels like there should be some thunder and lightning on the way, wich it is according to the forecast.
We have bought heavy lines and 20 meters of chain to be prepared if a cyclone comes. The strategy is to hide out in a cyclone hole and make a spider web of lines to mangrove etc.
We have bought some christmas gifts (hysterical yes) for the kids since we will not have a city like Suva in the vicinity when we move up to Vanu Levu.
Next thing on the agenda is to sailo up to Savusavu, my new computer is on its way (thank you Jonas at Macrent, you did it!), hopefully it is still working when it arrives.
Oh yes one more thing, Ellinor has been brave and cut her hair in different places here in the Pacific. Last time in Tonga and it looked really good.
This time she went to an Indian hair cutter in Lami (8Fiji Dollars= 3,2 Euro), she told him to make it short, he took that seriously and when he had cut the sides as short as I have it... Ellinor realised this was going to be very short indeed!
"That is really short!" she exclaimed and that made him take it more easy on the top...
Well now she is the first in the family to have a punk hair style with a cockscomb, we laughed when she came back and now we have to look forward to her hair growing out again...Pictures? We will see if she admits-
We have said that my lack of hair in the middle could be compensated by her top and her sides ... well you get it.
33degrees C in the shadow