Ios Island, Ormos (Bay) Mylopotas & Ormos Manganari

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Tue 30 Aug 2022 10:03
36 42 77N 25 17 50E Nisos (Island) Ios, Ormos (Bay) Mylopotas at anchor 26-29 August

A noisy party beach. Still high season and a lot of youngsters around. The mornings are nice and calm.
Around noon they wake up and then all sorts of noise starts until late. And everything expect local buses
are expensive.

When there is no Meltemi blowing it's like the hilly islands create their own "climate".

This is called by Perkins Sabre "Elbow-Exhaust-Water injected (saltwater)-3" outlet". We have had problem lately with salt water sipping into the engine room.
We thought it was the gasket and had a new one ordered from Scotland (they get their parts from UK) some time ago and had it changed when we where at anchor here in Ios.
Turns out it was not the gasket but corrosion and the water now was just pouring in through this big hole. Shit, shit, shit .....
Suddenly we are stuck at anchor with no motor. A new part from, if they have one, will take forever to get from Scotland after Brexit.
Dingy ride to the beach (this is Sunday) and local bus to Ios, the main village and port, in order to try to find help to hopefully be able to seal the hole by welding.
Coast Guard pointed us towards Ios Marine and they had no clue but they in turn gave us the tfn number to a local auto work shop.
We call and he answers but talk very poor English. Anyway, even if it's Sunday, he arrives and has a look at the pictures we have taken of our disaster.
Think I can fix, 60% chance. See you tomorrow.
This means we take out the piece. A very very sweaty job in this heat. Anyway it got out. And now if he can't fix it we are totally fucked. Means no motor and not to be able to go anywhere.
We met him Monday morning and went to his workshop. One look and then he cleaned the part and start welding. In the end he said this mending will last at least one year.
He wanted to charge 80 Euro and we gave him 100 Euro and a big hug.
Scary moment.
We will order a new part from Scotland but UK is a mess at the moment and it will take a long time to get. Means it will be send to Crete where we stay over winter.
Later yesterday we installed it and then got the hook out and motorsailed, 7 Nm, to Ormos Manganari. It works, no more leak.
Ormos Manganari is the most Southerly bay on Ios.

This is Ormos Manganari. We arrived yesterday, 29 Aug, and next stop will be Santorini.
From here at breakfast time today we were able to see the island of Santorini 12 Nm away.
Probably we will leave the day after tomorrow. Today is lazy and rest day. Jamas!