Entering Aegean Sea (a part of The Medeteranean Sea)

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Tue 28 Jul 2015 12:03
40 13 56N 25 53 32E Karleköy Limani (harbour) 28-29 July
We are in Kaleköy on the island Gökceada. We just left the Dardanelles and entered into Aegean Sea. Another milestone reached.
My god it is hot.....39 C. Absolutely no wind. Everybody is trying to "invent" some shade on their boats. The sun is killing you, we have two big towels adapted to the bimini, it helps a lot but we will try to find some light fabrics in a light coluor for the future. Sailing in the Pasific we learned to have protection at all sites of the bimini.
We started early this morning from Cannakkale, said goodbye to our new, adventurous, sailing friends, Gaz and Reet on Miss Catana från Tasmania.
Thank you for a fantastic curry and very nice evening!
They will take their Catana Cat back to Tamania.
No wind, the sea was like a mirror and we were motoring the last part of the Dardanelles together with all these very big ships passing this strait, like a high way for cargo ships.
Nice and easy. On Friday the Meltemi will be back again with some very strong winds and bad weather.
We are heading for Bozcadda tomorrow, we like to be safely moored in a nice place before the bad weather starts.

Leaving Dardanelles. This Turkish war monument dominates the North shore of the Dardanelles.

Approaching Karleköy.

Today we stayed for free ... and spend some money intercepting at one of the tavernas close to our mooring.

Greece is very close, only 15 nm away, and a major part of this marina is painted in blue and white colours.
The island has a Greek name as well, Imroz.