Leaving Madeira for Islas Canarias, La Palma - Marina Tazacorte, we like it, a lot

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Thu 19 Oct 2017 23:04
28 38 65N 17 56 59W Marina Tazacorte, La Palma, Islas Canarias (ESP)
A two day sail on the Atlantic Ocean, 250 Nm has to be covered. That means a two night sail.
Weather has been abnormal for a while with strange weather and wind patterns.
We stayed a few more extra days in Madeira in order to wait for mother Nature to settle a bit.
Portugal was an very nice experience.
At sunrise 17th we left. Our first option was La Graciosa but after just a short while we changed direction for La Palma,
much better sailing angle at the moment. About 24 hours of sailing, means 50% over all.
The sea was calm and nice, huge smooth waves. Everything was nice and easy.
On the 18th we even had a GT, Sun Downer, on fore deck. Our best mate was steering, Mr Autopilot (we have to find a name for him/her).
All sails up, no disturbing noise. Very relaxing. And we deserve it.
After 48 hours we reach land again. Fantastic. The GPS must be one of the best things that happened to a sailor, OH YES, but actually spot land again that's amazing.
Sans Peur, what a yacht! Safe, reliable, comfortable and capable. A true oceangoing 4x4. After three years we have not seen anything even close to this design.

Enjoying a well deserved breakfast at a nice location, short after arrival. Sun is out, perfect temprature.


Amazing encounter with dolphins. We just love them.

La Palma. Sun rise. A new country, a new island, a new experience ... it's a god day, ... again.

This kind of moments just lift your spirits. Beautiful!

They just made the marina totally Ocean proof. You could built a small village with the concrete the used to protect this small marina.
We arrived early in the morning, first light, no reservation made, VHF channel 9, direct response, no problem ... very polite and helpful staff all the way.
Everything is there what we need;
A safe marina without swell at a reasonable mooring fee (23 E/night), laundry, wifi, book exchange, diesel at 0,9 E/l, showers, H2O & Electricity ...

But we are happy, very happy. Well tucked in with helpful very friendly "marineros".