Italy - Greece

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Sat 29 Apr 2017 08:58
39 11 81 N 20 11 19 E Paxos, Greece
We are in Greece. Yes! Everything worked out fine.
After 2 nights at sea we arrived this morning at the small charming island of Paxos.
The crossing is 266 Nm and it took 51 hours, ca 5 knots in average.
A bit of swell in the beginning and of course the wind in the nose. Later on we had good sailing, 5-7,5 kn. Half the time we where motoring and the rest sailing.
Our new solar panel worked well, adding free energy.
We also tested the new Raymarine Quantum radar. Turned out to work very well.
A nice aid in the night.
Even the small wooden fishing boats was easy to spot on the radar.

Crossing from Italy to Greece.

Time to change courtesy flags at the border.

English breakfast at the "town" quay (free wifi).