Crotone - Nightsail from Gallipoli

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Tue 27 Sep 2016 17:15
39 05 03N 17 07 99E Crotone, Porto Nuovo 27-28 September 72 Nm
Yesterday we started, around 11:30, sailing from Gallipoli, not much wind but we had plenty of time.
Later on, at sunset, now around 19 (Italien time), the wind died out completely.
Mr Perkins had to work as usual. Slowly we made progress in the darkness, dinner then one sleeping and one on watch through the night.
Both of us in the cock pit.
Some cargo ships, easy to spot with AIS, some trawlers and then the crazy shoreline.... lights every where. A lot of green and a lot of blinking red.
What!? Slowly we approached the harbor waiting for sunrise at 7. There are also a couple of oil riggs just outside.
Turns out that all the crazy red lights was windmills.
Now we are moored alongside in this super boring marina ... but still happy and a bit worn out. We have had a couple of siestas during the day
and visit from the coast guard. Nobody speaks English in this place. Incredible.
Best thing with this place was that we found an Wind office here in Italy (we thought it was just an Greek thing).
So now our MiFi is working again with an Italian SIM card. Perfect.
19:10 and pitch black. Grete is cooking and dinner will be served in a few minutes.