Highest town of Italy - A visit to a Cantina

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Mon 30 Jan 2017 20:03
This is Enna at 931 m the highest situated town in Italy.
Our rented FIAT Panda is working hard at the moment on this hilly island where most people live on the tops rather in the valleys.
They got smarter over time, now we talk hundreds of years of intruders from all over The Med; Greeks, Romans, Turks, Arabs ...
This town, situated in the dead center of Sicily, and fortress was founded by local tribes and was never concurred.

Best view was from the old watch tower.

And of course there was this fantastic church.

A visit to Cantina Canicatti. We tried and bought some local wine.
Vino Nero d'Avola, red, only grown on Sicily. Very good.

Very affordable. And we love the way it's sold.

We had 20 liters of red, Nero d'Avola. 6 bottles of nice Chardonnay and 4 magnum bottles of Inzolia.
Inzolia, a white, another grape just grown here on Sicily.
Another favourite together with Nero d'Avola.
32 liters, average price ca 3 Euros/liter (and we bought the fancy stuff).

Just fill up in any way you want. We choose 5 liter BaginBox. Works better then glass on the yacht.

Our good yachtie friends, Andre and Jennifer, from Malta.