Sorta Island, Luka Sesula - Konoba Sesula

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Fri 16 Jun 2017 12:35
43 23 68N 16 12 67E 15-16 June
Luka means cove. Konoba means restaurang.
Yesterday we met Romana and Manfred at the yacht Marina Mandalina in Sibenik.
Boring weather.
We had 30 Nm to cover to Sorta island.

Upon arrival, late afternoon, has changed again, summer and blue skies again.
Crazy amount of yachts moored at buoys and anchored secured with landlines.
We found a quit small space and did the same (anchor & 2 x land lines attached to rocks).

Table reserved for 4 persons at Konoba Sesula. Another nice setting.
It seems all the restaurants are specialised in grilled food.

Taxi service. There is no way you could sail around here without a proper dinghy.

Some Swedes at a charter yacht took a picture.

Some Swedes at a charter yacht took a picture.