Cergy - Another fantastic late summer day

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Mon 27 Oct 2014 17:54
You wake up in the morning, it’s foggy, chilly and a bit cold. Still you are longing for this nice fresh French delicious bread.
Inside the boat we are enjoying all dry nice comfort, heating and dehumidifier running. A loaf of bread, “traditional”, so good.
Later the sun comes out. And it’s summer again. A good time to clean the boat. Staying in Paris was fantastic, but the smog
is really terrible, air pollution is real. Everything is just awful dirty black when cleaning the whole yacht inside out..
Today is Monday and the barges are passing by in large numbers. Like ghosts, huge almost no wake and noise.
Clean deck and GT on foredeck, 27 October!!! Cheers!
Just out of the shower….time for a gin and tonic…..on a nice clean deck. I was despatched to the nearest bottle shop to buy more gin (and red wine) My specialty!