Corfu - Back again

39 37 62 N 19 55 19 E Corfu 30 April - 4 May (maybe longer)
We are back again in Corfu. Feels good, we spent some very nice days here last year in September. Together with our Swedish sailing friends, Anne and Kess, we explored Corfu Town and surroundings. We met Anne and Kess in Messalonga last year and we have met up again from time to time.
We arrived here late afternoon April 30 and decided to anchor outside NAOK Marina. It's just to take the dinghy and five min you are in the town center.
Dinner, belive it or not, PIZZA! Still there must be some threads connectig us to Italy. The pizza was not the pizzas we have been used to.
The day after we choose a safe card, Greek Gyros (although they are originally from Turkey) ....
Right now we are moored in Old Habour (together with bunch of other sailors), it's forbidden but "we are in Greece". Feels good and Old Town is just across the street. Some swell from all the fast ferrys but we have 50 meters of anchor chain out so we are safe.
It feels great now, the sailing season have started. Three cruising ships arrived today, lots of white tourist everywhere, we have a scooter for two days (that means summer for us).
And three trips to Liedl outside town, stocking up, as usual.
Closed to the boat there is a small taverna and as always here in Greese it's a family running the place. We will have dinner there tonight and there is very good WiFi which is very importent. Helps us keep in contact with "the world".
The weather is beautiful, sunny days, cool mornings and evenings.
We are collecting info about the countrys we are going to visit in the north, very exiting.
First ice cream this year!!
The precious important alternator went out yesterday morning. Has to be checked and serviced. All went well nothing wrong with it, just cleaned, and new ball bearings installed. It was reinstalled today. All good.
We haven't had shore power in 4 days now. The solar panel makes life so much easier.
It's late in the after noon and time for an well deserved chilled Ouzo.
This is where we are this very moment. View from Yali Cafe.
Over there, at the horizon, is Albania. Next stop.