Netherlands vs Argentina

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Wed 9 Jul 2014 19:21
Hello readers......
Tonight is the UHHH..... BIG night here in The Netherlands.........
Very exiting, we just finished our dinner and slowly start to prepare to go, to actually a new bar, at the beach, so Cafe Romano have to manage without us tonight. A bit strange not to be at our "stamkrog" but I think we will be back again if The Netherlands winns.
Today at the lokal supermarket people were loading boxes of beers, YES it's going to be a great evening.
The name of tonights bar is Beaufort, you know The Beaufort Scale, tonight it will be 10 and that means hurricane force!!!
Pics will follow tomorrow....

PS Tomorrow we will take of the mast. Ya, ya we will see.....depending of the result of the game tonight I think......