Cleaning the teakdeck.
Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Thu 29 May 2014 08:57
Hello readers.....
It has been so cold this morning, only 5 degrees... It's strange here, summer dress one day and the next down west, it't really up and down........
Don, the expert of teak decks, is here. Yes, finally! We have been vaiting almost a month now to get it done. He is a real hard worker and almost managed to finish all the teak in one day. It's getting late some minor need to be finished tomorrow. Whaoo what a differens, it looks like a new boath, so fresch and so beautiful, it's like having a totaly new deck.
Don has even given us an lots of "good to know" about how to maintain and treat the teak. Boracol is a must to treat the deck with to keep the green mould permanently away. We have ordered 15 liter.
Thank you Don, you have done a fantastic job!
Fred and I are cleaning all our ropes with a speciel kind of soap which takes away the mould after drying in the sun. Now they are hanging from the mast in everywhere direction. Not so neat maybe but it works.
Our "big" neighbour, a towering Grand Banks motor boat, on portside left and now we have a beautiful view over the harbour surroundings, really nice. Now there i quite a lot of curious fellow sailers that stops to have a good look at our odd Sains Peur..... and yes she is slowly getting more and more presentable.
Yesterday evening we were visiting our neighbors at starboard side, Uno, Ingrid and their son Timm, very nice people from Dusseldorf. Nice company and good food and tonight at seven they are visiting us. They have a Hanse 505, big nice sailing boat, lots of space.....but it's so diffrent from our good old sturdy Sans Peur. Fred was surprised when he saw the engine on the Hanse. Compered to our tractor motor it was like a engine for a sewing machine. Are we a lite bit cocky? No, we just love our boat.
Is this better Max.......?? Love you... Hahaha......
Dinner together with neighbors
Waiting for the road to be ready.......??So many diffrent kind of brigdes here in NL