Still in Sydney

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Tue 13 Apr 2021 09:25

We are still in Sydney!
Today we sailed from Manly to Rose Bay. Beautiful view! Can’t complain about that.
We thought something was wrong with the generator but it turned out that it was the battery charger.
In Cammeray Marina we got Colin, who is the specialist/ electrical guy, to take it out and send it for repair.
After two weeks it's still gone. But now at least they think it can be repaired?!
Spain has a bad reputation about being slow. Australia is by far worse.
Geoff, in Scarborough marina. He is the one we absolutely trust when it comes to tecnical matters. Marine ingenier ... from US.
Today we called Mastervolt Sweden. What a relief to talk to somebody that actually knows something. And in your own language.
Thank you Robert!
At the moment on top of waiting for our super charger they weather patterns are a bit crazy.
At the moment on top of waiting for our super charger they weather patterns are a bit crazy.
It will take some days before there is a chance for us to sail further North.
What is the problem with the winds??
What is the problem with the winds??
Mabye we are effected by the bad weather close to South of Australia and New Zeeland??
Or ... climate change. Something most people do not even want to think about.
Being in Melbourne for 3,5 months. Most people said that is has been a very strange summer.