Syros - Meltemi at full forse, blowing 24/7 - +50 knots

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Mon 4 Jul 2016 19:22
37:25.81N 24:56.43E Naxos - Syris 29 Nm (Sunday)
Wind in the nose again. Early start from Naxos, 6 as usual. Charter Catamaran in front of us blocking our way. "Get up captain, and get out of the way." And he does. Good on him.
Next we are cought up with the anchor because of a retarded German idiot of a sailor. Old, stupid and out of behaviour. How on earth can they be aloud to hire a boat!?!?
No clue what so ever.
Anyway after managing to get rid of the tangeled anchor we took of.
Very rough sea, 6 hours of motoring. It's like a serious fitness/work out pass.

WE are moored in a abandoned marina. It's free, but no service ... means no H20 or eletricity.
And Yes (means OH NO!!), Meltemi is here again. At the moment 30-40 knots

We are in a "marina" three kilometres from the center. It's ok we need to do some walks and we are passin Lidl on the way so we have topped up with a lot of food and drink.
The marina was planned to be very good but for political reasons they had to stop developing it and now it is just falling apart.

It's like we are sailing.... Rock and roll

After a five hours rock and roll, we wanted to clean the boat. Look at this!!! No water, no electrics!
This is not working.....

Time for a good book and some rest.

That is cool. Fill up your water bottles.

Never seen this before. fill upp water and ice cupes. And for a very good price.
This should be everywhere.