Glad Påsk alla kära vänner / Happy East er to everybody, especially the ones we love and dea r

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Fri 3 Apr 2015 19:51
BACK ON TRACK - Next stop Dole (only 9 locks today, and 23 km)

Sans Peur is just the perfect travelling companion. This is a tough lady with style.

This canal will take us to Mulhouse, Alsace, 121 locks (so far we did about 300), 237 km. 

Today was a very good day. 4,5 months just docked. Feels so good to be on the road again. Although we are a bit broken
after changing 400 kg’s of batteries, installing 200 kg:s of anchor chain and building a wood structure to carry +500 kg of mast.
Intense days. But we love it.

Spring is there. Colours everywhere, and light.

We just enjoyed a well deserved pizza. 

Time to head of to Charlies Cafe for a coffee and some WiFi.

08.30 Besancon, here we come. 

Glad Påsk & Skål på er! / Happy Easter & Cheers!