Admiralty Bay, Bequia, Grenadines 11-17 March

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Fri 16 Mar 2018 19:54
13 00 56N 61 14 53W Admiralty Bay, Bequia Island, at anchor
St Vincent & Grenadines, a small country (again), 32 small islands and a population of about 100 000 inhabitants.
90 % lives on St Vincent. Currency is EC$, East Caribbean Dollars. Also used in Grenada, St Lucia, Dominica, Montserrat, Antigua & Barbuda and some more small island countries. So many tiny countries with small populations. It's hard to see how it will work in the long end when the former imperialistic country just takes it's hand from them.
Nice guys. Martinique and Guadalupe, still belongs to France. When there you are in EU, using Euro.
We are not impressed so far. Very expensive. To many yachts everywhere. The exotic islands, fantastic snorkelling we still long for.
But the adventure has just begun.
12 March
Very nice, a little hot though, walk to The Seaturtle Sanctuary together with S/Y Andante, S/Y Looma, S/Y Tuva, that means the crews Åsa & Roy, Lotta & Mads, Pia & Hans.
Nice to see this wonderful creatures beeing helped and taking care of. There were babies, teenagers and the gran old man that sometimes went out to splasch in the sea with a rope tight up at his schild so he could feel safe.
Back in Port Elizabeth a well deserved lunch and a couple of Carip.

15 March
Ferry to Kingstown, St Vincent. This is the main island. A one hours ferry ride.
Botanical Gardens first stop. Leeroy is our guide and a very good one. He took us, for almost two and a half hour, around this beautiful place. He was so competent and we had a very informative experience.

This is nutmeg. Used in cooking, a must in a genuine RumPunch (and we also learned that ii was a aphrodisiac as well).

Lovely surroundings with plants, flowers and trees from all over the world.

St Vincent is a hilly green island.

On the ferry.

Approaching St Vincent.

Leeroy in action.

This is ebony. A very small and beautiful tree.

Our very good sailing friends, Åsa & Roy.