Jarvis Bay, Hole in the Wall - 17 / 19 March

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Thu 18 Mar 2021 05:13
35 08 08S 150 44 67E
This was a rough windy shoppy sail today, 52Nm.
Very rough sea and lots of rain.
It's so difficult here in Australia to predict your sailing conditions.
And many times the predictions are not correct, like today.
This place is heaven after a tough day on the sea. And 5 free mooring bouyes. Nice and safe.
We are five boats here and with some advice from some of these aussie guys, today, we will probaly start sailing to Hacking tomrrow early start 04.
S/Y Double Images will be our company to Hacking.
That will be our last stop before Sydney.
By the way, our generator do not work again!!??
This generator has been a BIG expensive joke!!