Lindos - Rhodos Marina

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Sun 19 Jun 2016 12:11
A beautiful spot to drop the anchor.

Yes we are one of the yachts out there.

A short dingy "ride", rowing 300 m, a mild morning exercise. Then a stroll along the empty (this is before the massive tourist invasion) narrow alleys.

We knew it!! Guys waiting to open the bank!!! They are donkeys!!!!!!

Harmony, wellkept, respect ...

This is on the way to Acropolis and later the fortress. Nice views.
On the left you are able to see the beach where soon probably a thousand people will spend the day in the sun.
Not our idea of spending/enjoying life.

At 9:30 after a refreshing swim we lift the hook and head for Rhodos Marina.
We been to Mandrake before and do not need that mess again.
Now we will try out Rhodos Marina, 24 Nm away.
Calm day, almost to hot even on the sea.
Very happy that we finally are on the "road" again.