Burano, Venice - WOW! We are finally here.

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Fri 14 Jul 2017 15:51
45 29 35N 12 25 57E 14 July Venice - At anchor outside Burano Island.
We arrive while it's still is raining, wet and windy. But later same day the sun and the blue sky was there again.
Burano is one of the islands governed by Venice, and also visited by a lot of tourists, together with Murrano (this is where all the famous Venetian glass is made).
All the islands are connected with water buses, "Vaporettos".
It takes us about an hour (8 Nm) to the centre of Venice, Piazza San Marco. The ride itself is interesting.

View from the boat.
Look at the leaning tower.
Very colour full and water, canals and boats every where.

THese guys are trying for the competition on Sunday.