Ibiza/Formentera - The rich and bored

This is the worst place ewer!!!
We are plus 100 boats lying in this bay!! How is that??? Not good at all.
Sailing boats, motor boats and then the giangt motor boats with richs brats on board all of them.
Loud music, jetskies, big dinghyes, listning to football matches so loud that everybody in the bay need ear plugs???
During the day motor boats and jetsskies driving in like idiots, full speed among all boats, all boats in the bay are rolling rolling.Here I come!!!!! Idiots!!!!
How can it be like this? Nobody take any care of other boats??
We are leaving tomorrow, thank God!
What are all this rich people doing in these fantastic boats? They have to have people watching when they are swimming, going with the fantastic dinghey, go water skiing (supprice that is still something people do???) kite surfing or surfing would have been more exiting I would say. The poor rich people are a little after when it comes to sport.
Water skiing is what normal people did 30 years ago???
My God I am so happy that I can live my life as a happy sailor on my Sans Peur.
Like today meeting up with Anne and Kess, planning a bit together with them, where to go, having a nice lunch, though is was ”motor boats” prices!!
Soon we will have dinner on board Sans Peur, grilled salmon and what we can mix together from Engla and SansPeur.
We have vine and we are in good mood so we will be happy sailors!!!