Lido di Jesolo - What a horrible night

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Fri 14 Jul 2017 07:48
45 28 31N 12 35 04E 13-14 July At anchor outside Lido di Jesolo
At the moment it miserable weather, rain and a lot of swell plus thunder.
Incredible how fast it can change from a mirror like sea and hot like hell to rain, a lot of wind
and terrible swell. The whole night was just rock and roll. Almost no sleep at all. Anchor watch until 5 in the morning.
Now it's even a bit chilly.
In a short while we will continue to Venice, Burano, 12 Nm away, wearing our Musto rain jackets for the first time.
We hope we will get rid of the swell when entering Laguna Veneta.

Close to the "Faro" was a pizzeria where we had pizza yesterday.

There we are at anchor. Safe in shallow water, 5 meter. +50 meter chain out.

Hundreds of hotels and beach packed with tourists. Where do they all come from.

View from the pizzeria.

Fruti di Mare.

Grete was happy not to have to cock dinner. It's like a sauna in the galley at the moment (yesterday).