Puerto Bello, Panama

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Mon 30 Jul 2018 18:10
On our way back to Colon, close to the canal. We are only about 20 Nm away now.
Slowly we are getting prepared for our new big sailing adventure, mentally and hands on.
There are a lot of nautical miles to cover in the near future.
Yesterday in Linton Marina we filled our disel tank to the bream, + 600 liters now, including 3 x 20 jerry cans.
Dinghy fuel tank filled up as well plus 3 x 5 liter cans in reserv.
At the petrol station they where selling beer, coke, tonic ... so we added 96 cans off beer and 24 tonic as a start of our bunkering.
Yesterday(Sunday) and today we continued bunkering. In this little town there was a Mini Super Market run by Chinese of course.
2 full heavy dinghy loads of stuff. Cans, cans, cans ... tuna, sardines, corn, peaches, .... Milk, cream, cheese, the kind you don't need to store cold. More coke, more beer, 10 liter of box wine, 24 bottles of wine. Plus loads of other minor items like toilett paper etc.
There will be one night at anchor at the Flats. That's where you have wait before thectransit through the canal.
We just want to check it out now.
Then on the 1st of August Sans Peur will be lifted in Shelter Bay Marina.
3 days on the hard. Cleaning, sanding & anti fouling.
At the same time we will start to prepare all formalities inorder order to transit the canal and then continue to Galapagos.
There is a lot of administrarion and money involved. The worst ever since we took of more then 4 years ago from Holland.
But if a lot of sailors have done it and do it of course we will succed as well.
We are really looking forward to South Pacific now. Galapagos, Easter Island, Pitcairn, Gambiers in French Polynesia, ....