From the hard to the soft water

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Tue 30 Apr 2019 03:26
Tuesday 23 of April, after Easter, four month on the hard, Sans Peur is back in the water again. Feels so good ... every time.
Slowly, very slowly they push her back into the water. The workers in the marina did a very good job. 
They told us that Sans Peur actually is too big and too heavy for the "boat truck" which they are very skilled launch boats (Ivan been here for 18 years).


Almost there! Then we crossed our fingers when starting Mr Perkins. No problem!
On our way into the marina. Small quarters but no wind no problem.
Nice to be close to " all facilities" which means 2 showers and 2 toilets for all yachties, people from the boat club and the surfing club plus some of the marina workers. 
At times very very busy!
One sunny day! Otherwise it's raining raining raining.... but the good thing is that we have topped up 200 liter of rain water in our tank. 
Because of the problem with the water maker we were totally out of water.
No fresh water in the marina.
After 16 927 NM the yankie needed some repair. The guys in Turkey did a great job.
The sail makers in the marina didn't want to do it so Fred did it himself. Good job Fred!!!!
Not exactly the right color but very well done.
Much stronger now. 
For one and a half day we took care of Mr Perkins. Changing oil, oil filter, 2 times diesel filter and impeller. 
Checked everything and cleaned up.
We started the generator and it started directly, what a relive!!!!!Service on that fellow will be after 69 hours running time.
Our super rechargeable solar lanterns. All 11 out on a sunny day.
The plan is to leave this marina around 1st of May and go to Papeete and anchor outside Marina Taina. 
Depends on the weather of course. It will be nice to be closer to civilisation. 
Restaurants, bars, shops and laundry and the weather is a bit better up there.