Leaving Trinidad, next stop Prickly Bay, Grenada 80 Nm away

Sans Peur
Grete & Fred Vithen
Mon 26 Feb 2018 19:53

In Chaguarams you clear out at Crews Inn. A bit of paper work but not to hard. And the officials are very friendly.
In the same building we found out is a true Tax Free boutique where you are able to buy wine & liquor.
In Sweden everything is heavily taxed when it comes to alcohol but here the taxes are totally crazy high.
We almost gave up the thoughts of drinking wine and have a Sun Downer.
And suddenly this possibility occurs. Decent Argentinian wines for around 5 Euro. Fantastic.
We filled up the dinghy.
There will be a nice chilled Chardonnay tonight. Cheers.
In a few minutes we will leave Trinidad and all the nice and friendly people here. We will be back here again in June.
Next stop Prickly Bay, Grenada about 80 NM away. A night sail.
Peace of cake!